Chevy Crisscross Quilting Design

Striped Jewel Quilt, Longarm quilting, quilting, what to quilt, modern quilt, solid quilt, geometric quilt design, chevy ruler, edge to edge design

We’re to begin…I was so nervous to pick out a pattern to quilt on this quilt. Mainly because it is my first quilt pattern I created. You can grab your copy HERE. I wanted to do the pattern justice but do more than a meander.

Striped Jewel Quilt, Longarm quilting, quilting, what to quilt, modern quilt, solid quilt, geometric quilt design, chevy ruler, edge to edge design


I took a class at QuiltCon on using rulers to create continuous designs and borders by Angela Walters. I fell in love with her rulers. She put so much thought into the size, grip, and design. 

I received suggestions to do a geometric edge to edge when I ask on Instagram, so that’s the direction I took. I used the “Chevy” ruler for its straight edge and modern feel. Its possibilities are endless with the right angle straight edge.

Striped Jewel Quilt, Longarm quilting, quilting, what to quilt, modern quilt, solid quilt, geometric quilt design, chevy ruler, edge to edge design

At first trying to figure out what design I was going to do was tricky so I just grabbed some paper and a pen and started to trace the ruler on some paper. I of course watched her YouTube videos on it for inspiration. The rulers have extra markings so you can mirror the right angles as you go so that what I did.

Here I have included a download with a diagram of how I created the crisscross design mainly because I kept try to put the instructions into words but there where way to many directions cues so I though a printout and video would do better. Click here for printout instructions. 

The trickiest part is to create a straight line to start. I do this by loading my backing and batting onto the quilter. Then I scoot the machine up again the back rail (rail farthest from me). I hold the machine against the back rail and create a straight line to put my quilt top on. I load my quilt top and secure it to the frame up against that straight stitch I just created.

Striped Jewel Quilt, Longarm quilting, quilting, what to quilt, modern quilt, solid quilt, geometric quilt design, chevy ruler, edge to edge design

If I were quilting this design on a domestic machine I would go ahead and make a straight line marking every 9 inches. This would help you keep your design symmetrical and your crisscross rows straight. 

I hope all of these steps and tips were helpful! I believe we are all made to create and I know you are capable. I hope this tutorial gives you the confidence to try this design either on your longarm or on you domestic. 

Remember perfection is pointless and being proud of your work and growth is most import. Happy quilting and keep it peachy!!!