Quilt Camp QAL Week 5 - Campfire

You are gonna be all warm and toasty making this block... ok that was pretty cheesy but its quilt camp so that's allowed! This Campfire block is my hiccup block. LOL Both times I have made it I have had to assemble it twice. 

Quilt Camp 2021, Quilt Camp, Quilt along, Sew Along, quarter square triangles, quilting tutorials, quilt pattern, sample pattern

This block focuses on quarter square triangles which until this block I didn't know was a thing. They are super quick to make and offer a really cool look. This block in the end looks totally like a group of campers huddled around the fire. 

Quilt Camp QAL, Quilt along, sew along, sampler pattern, quilt pattern, quilt tutorial, quarter square triangles, quilt block

The new skill here is the making of the quarter square triangles. It's a super quick and easy way to make triangles with out a whole lot of fuss. Follow along in the video below to see the full tutorial. 

quarter square triangles, half square triangles, quilt tutorials, crisp points and corners

The biggest things to focus on is when you are squaring up or trimming the half and quarter square triangles. Keep the 45 degree line of the ruler right on the seam line so you have crisp points. Also make sure to pin to help get those nice meeting points. 

Good luck and enjoy this super fun block! Don't forget to share your block on instagram using the hashtags #quiltcampqal #campfireblock #quiltcampqalweek5 and follow the sponsors and camp counselors too! Happy quilting!!!