Ultimate Quilter's Gift Guide

Quilters are hard to shop for. So weather you know a quilter or are a quilter and needing a gift for a quilter here is the perfect list for you. These are items I use daily and love or ones I have researched and want! Hope this is helpful. Please share with anyone this makes you think of. Happy quilting!
Gifts Under $25
1. Olfa Splash 45mm Rotary Cutter: ($17.98) This is my favorite rotary cutter. It's so comfortable and quick. The grip is great so you don't have to worry about your hand slipping. It's a great addition to your quilt notion collection.
2. Salt and Pepper Thread Set: ($14.83) You can always use more thread. Connecting Threads threads are strong and a great value. These are a 3 ply thread so a tad thicker but I love the feel. My seams feel stronger!
3. Creative Grid Slim Machine Quilting Tool: ($23.49) This is a MUST have for machine quilting. Its the perfect size and so handy! It helps you stitch in the ditch and create beautiful lines on your quilts.
4. Flatter Smoothing Spray Pineapple Grove: ($11.48/8.4oz) This spray not only works like magic for stubborn fabric wrinkles but is smells like its straight from HEAVEN!!! You need this in you quilt space! They have a ton of scents this is just my favorite.
5. Bobbin Bin: ($3.98) The most frustrating thing for me was bobbin storage. I love these bobbin bins to help keeps from having unwinding bobbin thread tails making my area look messier. These are nice too because they can store all sorts of other things too. Great stocking stuffer!
6. 2.5" x 6.5" Tula Pink Ruler with Scissor Grip: ($9.98) This is the perfect size ruler for binding. It's my go to marking ruler.
7. 4.5" Swiss Style Tweezers: ($8.98) You NEED these tweezers they are so freaking handy. They are wonderful for removing lent from your bobbin case. Plus the angle of the tweezers works so well for so many instances.
8. Small Acrylic Desktop Organizer: ($14.99) I really enjoy having this on my cutting area and I know you will too. It holds all of my cutting tools. Plus the mail slot works great for holding small rulers and my color guide. It has a small drawer that I store needles in and bolt buddies. Its a really useful piece to have!
9. 6.5" Creative Grid Square Quilting Ruler: ($15.99) You will love this ruler. First off Creative Grid rulers are my favorite for their small crisp marking lines are everything! This one is my favorite because it just fits so well in my hand and i can maneuver it easily. It's the perfect size for squaring.
$25 - $100
10. Monochrome Thread Set: ( $29.66) You can never have too much thread. Plus I love this three ply thread it's so strong. I find myself working with grey thread more and more so this set is perfect.
11. Oliso Mini Project Iron: ($49.99) I could do a whole blog post of this killer iron. It is the iron you will find on my iron station 99% of the time. This size fits your hand so well. Plus it has an actual point on the end that is beyond handy. It get so hot and the steam production is great! I seriously could go on and on. Plus it comes with a silicone mat! Say what??!! I'm sure this will become your favorite too. These come in YELLOW, PINK, TURQUOISE, ORCHID. Yes I know its hard to choose, so my answer to that is just get two. LOL just kidding ... maybe not.
12. Chirp Wheel Set: ($99.99) So funny story I bought this for my husband but I definitely use it more. It feels so good to stretch out my shoulders and back after long hours of quilting. Seriously you will not regret this purchase. Bonus my toddler thinks its the coolest toy to roll around the house! Haha
13. See Your Stuff Bag Set (Grey):($43.48) These are so hand especially for classes, retreats, or just organization in general. I love clear vinyl bags because they are so helpful for organization yet still seeing whats in the bag. The come in a bunch of colors too.
14. Tula Pink Set of 4 Ruler Set with Unicorn Grip:($89.99) These rulers are sweet. They have crisp and clear markings plus just the right amount of grip. Plus they come in a great size line up. (4.5", 6.5", 8.5", and 12.5")
15. Mini Bolts and Bolt Buddies:($15 - $180) These are worth every penny! They give a system to organizing your fabric and are so helpful in working with yardage. I seriously love these so much I wrote an ebook on these. They would be a wonderful gift to a quilty friend or even for yourself. They are top quailty and will last you a lifetime. We spend our lives savings on fabric (whoops) and so it deserves storage that will maintain it's quality. A set of 10 Mini bolts and buddies would be loved by any quilter.

Mini Bolts and Bolt Buddies in action.
16. Creative Grid Cutting Mats: ($67.99 - $6.49) These are so freaking cool. I came across these and thought whats the big deal??? Well let me tell you they have thought of everything!!! Most rulers are hard to read against common mats. They made these mats grey with light blue measurement markings. They are thick and the highest quality because you know Creative Grids kills it everytime! PS I ordered one for myself. Comes in the following sizes:
24" x 36" 18" x 24" 12" x 18" 6" x 8"
17. Stripology Square Ruler: ($54.99) This is my TIME SAVING hack. Im a toddler mom and time is beyond valuable. This helps me cut out yardage so fast!!! I use it on every single quilt pattern and it has paid for itself ten fold. You will fall in love with this time saving ruler.
18. Nido Wool Mat: ($34.99 - $55.99) You will LOVE these wool mats. They transfer heat so they heat up as you iron and give you the most crisp pressing you could ever want. I have the 17" x 24" and love all the space but they come in a ton of sizes. Amazon has the best prices!
Over $100
19. Slimline Daylight: ($171.89) STOP and read this! Ok this is an absolute game changer! Lighting is so hard especially when you are quilting in you house with normal people lighting. This light is so freaking bright and makes your workspace 10X brighter. It has a bendable swivel neck. It has dimmable options and can clamp practically anywhere. Quick story I bought my first one and my husband came to my quilt room and took it down to his reloading room. He now has THREE Daylight lights in his room. LOL
20. MOOSOO Cordless Vacuum: ($109.99) Who would not want a cordless vacuum for their sewing space. I always dreaded having to go get my house vacuum to suck up a thousand threads. Now I just grab the cordless on off the wall. So much easier and faster. This one has fantastic reviews and it my choice for my studio.
21. Secret Stash Aurifil Thread Box by Edyta Sitar: ($119.98) This thread set is a PURE dream. This is such a wide range of thread. Ive said it before and ill say it again you can never have too much thread. Especially Aurifil! This would be a VERY welcome addition to anyones thread stash! It should be available to purchase any day now.

These are some of the items I included on this guide that I already own and love!